Sunday, October 3, 2010


I love spiders and this year they seem to be showing up in abundance everywhere. They are such delicate creatures that create such beauty. I am intrigued with the amazing intricate design and symmetry of the tapestry they weave. How is it that they can fasten onto arbitrary points, affix their threads from great distances and then able to connect all threads to a center, where upon position themselves.

The Spider is said to possess many virtues that are powerful and valuable. It follows intuition, has great balance, creative energy, and magic and is connected with various god like traits. In India the spider is associated with Maya, the weaver of illusion. Greeks called the spider Neith and believed she was the “divine mother.” The Cherokee American Indians call the spider the “sacred weaver” and believe she spun the world into existence. The spider was also one of Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom’s, along with the Owl as she represented deep knowledge and understanding of life.

There is such wisdom in the weaving and when I look upon each thread I reflect upon my work as an Intuitive of connecting this world and other worlds past, and present and, possibilities of the future. It is mine to weave a story that makes sense on the physical and spiritual realms for those who seek my guidance.

Spider reminds me that life is an illusion and not what I think it is. My behavior and belief systems, my view of myself was first created for me in this lifetime by others, starting at birth. All possibilities for me and all of us are only limited by our view of ourselves. It is for us to look beyond our past and this moment, into the other dimensions available to us. Spider reminds us that we can change our fate.

At this time in our Global awakening, Spider asks us to take our cue from her, to choose to constantly grow, expanding outward, yet still connected to that small center, the space inside us. Like her, always reaching, ever expanding, never satisfied with the status quo.

When something gets caught in our web, that person, place, thing, or experience, take it within. From this center, listen for guidance, then trust that you will know how to utilize what is given, either using it now, storing for later use, and/or healing and releasing to the Universe.

Like the Spider, each intricate design and symmetry you weave creates a unique and valuable tapestry.

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