Monday, September 20, 2010


Saturn enters Libra July 21st 2010 and leaves October 5th 2012. In addition to this transit we hit another power house day October 10, 2010 in the sign Libra. Concerned with harmony, diplomacy, balance and choice where we weigh and choose our options. Venus, the ruler of Libra, teaches us that gentle words and random acts of kindness lubricate our way through life and help form bonds. The house where Libra falls in your birth chart shows the area in your life where you can exercise balance and harmony. The sign and house where Venus (Libra's ruler) falls helps to provide greater understanding.

For Pythagorus, Greek Philosopher, 10 was the symbol of the universe and expressed the whole of human knowledge. For the Mayans, it represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. The ten was regarded as being the number of life and death.

Ten is all-inclusive representing law; order and dominion. The tetraktys (an equilateral triangle formed from the sequence of the first ten numbers aligned in four rows.) It is both a mathematical idea and a metaphysical symbol that embraces within itself in seed like form, the principles of the natural world, the harmony of the cosmos, the ascent to the divine, and the mysteries of the divine realm. 1+2+3+4= 10 symbolizes divinity and one represents a point; two, length; three, a plane or surface four, solidity or space.

Ten is also the number of completion of journeys and returns to origins: Odysseus wandered for nine years and returned on the tenth. Troy was besieged for nine years and fell on the tenth. Ten is the sum of the number nine of the circumference with the one of the center---being perfection.

Ten is a higher octave of the number one and signifies an end of an important cycle in which a change in circumstances will soon be forthcoming. The meaning of number ten deals with returning to our center, coming full circle. Ten holds a vibration of unity, as well as fresh starts

With the New frequencies that are coming in, past cycles are completed, releasing old belief systems which are outdated. It is the number which allows the cycle to begin within ourselves; it imbues us with the courage to face our sense of self and fuels hope in the midst of hopelessness. 10 will assist us to feel the vibrations of all the single digits, in order for us to find out what life means to us and to find and develop our talents/strengths hidden within.

Actions for this time of year:

  • What decisions do you need to make.
  • Present to the public projects you have been working on behind the scenes
  • Strengthening your partnerships.
  • Know how and when to say no and to make time for yourself.
  • Practice the law of attraction.
  • Celebrate the Goddess' transition from mother to crone

For a personal astrology report:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That was alot of interesting and inspiring information. It is always helpful to know where you are when you get there. I look forward to seeing how 10-10-10 plays out not only on a personal level, but how it affects needed change on a much larger scale.

