Saturday, November 27, 2010

December 2010 A Power Packed Month

We start off with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn December 10 and goes back to Sagittarius, December 29 when it goes direct. This time frame is not ideal for placing ads, making important decisions, travel, purchasing communication equipment, signing contracts, initiating business deals, sending important correspondence or any type of message, starting school or any important project, beginning any new enterprise, or major purchases.

It is however, excellent for reviewing and revising plans, catching up on old business, cleaning out closets, contemplating, and reflecting.

Next we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini - December 21, @12:17 am PST. The full moon lunar eclipse highlights the Gemini/Sagittarius opposition, which brings in the themes of communication, education, higher thought, and intelligence.

All eclipses bring in a time of change, a time to correct our course and move forward in a new or altered way toward our goals. This lunar eclipse asks us to take a long, hard look at the issues in our life that are holding us back or that are keeping us from fulfilling our destiny and to make decisions about a more positive, life-affirming way of meeting those challenges.

Because the Moon and the Sun are both at 29 degrees - (Moon 29 degrees of Gemini and Sun 29 degrees of Sagittarius) together they are indicating a powerful time of change. This is a time to transform something or to end it and to build something new.

Any planet at 29 degrees can cause a person to waiver, to go back and forth and to evaluate and re-evaluate endlessly, until finally, exhausted with the decision making process, that person may just make a rash and hasty decision to change things without using rational thought.

This particular lunar eclipse becomes even more powerful because of its location near the galactic center at 26 degrees Sagittarius. The lunar eclipse location near the powerful Galactic center magnifies and adds power and focus to the energies already being manifested.

This lunar eclipse brings an unprecedented opportunity to bring about a new way of being with ourselves, others and Mother Earth.

Nameste~ Charlene

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

John Of God

On November 17, 2010 I watched the Oprah Winfrey show along with millions of others as we followed several peoples journey to a small village in Abadiania Brazil to witness and experience ‘The Miracle Healer.” Brazilian spirit doctor John of God, a simple farmer with no medical degree and little education who many believe is a medium who channels the spirits of more than 30 dead doctors and saints to bring physical and spiritual healing. These entities say they do not cure the problems—they heal the source of the problems.

Among the guests on her show who witnessed John of God's work include, Susan Casey, the editor-in-chief of The Oprah Magazine, Dr. Jeff Rediger a psychiatrist who traveled to the Brazil several years before as a skeptic, Ernie Chu, who went to Brazil and had an egg-sized tumor removed from his back with no anesthesia and, Lisa who traveled from South Africa.

Tears of joy filed my eyes, and love exploding from my heart in remembrance of my own pilgrimage to Abadiania three times. There I witnessed and experienced an amazing shift of reality and my world view.  

My observations at that time were/are that the most important gift people receive, in addition to whatever physical or psychological healing they might experience, is profound spiritual healing, a deepening or renewal of faith in the invisible world of Spirit and Divine love. Reinforced over and over for me was the knowing that we are not what we appear to be.

So much more happens at the Casa in Abadiania than was reported on Oprah. Many, including myself have seen orbs in the night sky which have been captured on film, and numerous paranormal experiences. I wrote about one of my personal paranormal experience in my blog:

Since my last visit to John of God in 2007, and with a change in my world view I have continued on my search for deeper understanding.

Gregg Braden, author of “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief”, cites various scientific studies to show us that this everyday world we live in is a computer simulation, a virtual reality on a giant scale, in the Universal computer. What we call reality is not real, but only a reflection of true reality. This would mean that we are not just living in a simulation, but we can reprogram the simulation. We are the creatures as well as the creators. We are active participants, not just a powerless victims or observers. If we experience difficulty in life, this just means we are at a great learning point until we figure a new way that works for us. Our Higher Selves/God Selves have sent us to this world to experience, learn and master.

All of us including our planet is going through a Collective Initiation as frequency increases, with a shift to "zero-point" that is influencing everything, our emotions, immune systems, and even our genetic code. In her book “The Field”, investigative journalist Lynne McTaggart provides an overview of recent scientific discoveries that demonstrate that there is an all-encompassing energy field connecting man and matter. In their search for the smallest particle – scientists discovered the field’s special characteristics and potential. The so-called Zero Point Field (the name comes from the fact that even at the absolute zero point, energy can still be measured) appears to provide the explanation for countless known phenomena and processes that had stumped the scientific community for generations. Gravity, electromagnetism, clairvoyance, telepathy and the spontaneous healing of wounds: the origins of these diverse phenomena can all be traced back to this quantum field.

McTaggart writes, ‘Researchers discovered that the Zero Point Field contains the blueprint for our existence. Everything and everyone is connected with one another through this field in which all information from all time is said to be stored. Ultimately, everything – from man to matter – can be traced back to a collection of electric charges that are continually in contact with this endless sea of energy. Our interaction with this field determines who we are, will become and have been. The field is the alpha and omega of our existence.’

In light of the discoveries of McTaggart, Braden, numerous other writers and science, we are offered a greater understanding how John of God, or anyone of us can tap into this Zero Point field and be healed. What we think and feel, what we believe, we can create, we can manifest. If we truly believe in our own inherent power, what we desire will automatically be pulled towards us.

As each of us awaken to Who We truly are, we affect what is called Phase-locking where everything is in unity with everything else in a dynamic positive way. When we change our mind, we change our reality and cause a paradigm shift. This shift is the next step in human evolution.

There have always been courageous souls pioneering the way for humanity, John of God is one of these special beings, who in spite of what others have said or done continues to stand strong and do Gods / The Sources bidding.

Thank you John of God.

Nameste~ Charlene

Blog comment

Beautiful job at crafting an article about the healing with John of God. I appreciate your references to McTaggert and Braden as they help round out the experience and the philosophies associated with the process of explaining Zero Point Energy. It is a source of great mystification for most. A zero point what? Your own personal experience of all these things, John of God included bring stimulating thoughts to how each one of forms our own unique interface. I share the healing with you.
Blessings, Scott

Friday, November 12, 2010

I am Who I am

Much of my life I have felt like a stranger in a strange land, inhabiting a place I did not belong. Most of all living out a life on earth that was very painful.

As a child I held a a unique perspective on life that was not shared by members of my family, my classmates, friends or by teachers. I knew and understood things that others did not know or understand. Being a highly sensitive child on all levels, I possessed an inherent knowing that was never acknowledged, an intuitive wisdom that was not honored. More often than I would like to report I felt “out of sync” with the rest of the world.

I quickly learned that the world I lived in could not handle the truth of who I was and the full expression of my Essence so I hid my real self. I learned early that the only way to survive was to deny the essence of my Being. I shut down and suppressed my natural gifts and spiritual abilities in order to survive and fit in with society. My light had been dimmed and my greatness had been diminished. I felt invisible.

I did not feel very comfortable being around lots of people, and tended to avoid any place where large groups of people gather, due to over stimulation and energetic overload. I felt more comfortable alone by myself surrounded by nature.

On a spiritual and energetic level I felt the pain of the conflict between my knowing and my everyday reality. My spiritual woundings were unrecognized and unhealed, and I had carried those spiritual woundings into adulthood. It was those unhealed spiritual woundings that were the cause of my angst and anguish; the cause of my discomfort with having to function in this world; the cause of my discord with being in body and being on Earth.

So much of life did not make sense to me. I tried to find my place in more traditional and conventional ways, but always felt like a failure. I was not very attached to physical things, and money and worldly possessions were not as important to me. It was hard for me to grasp why society, as a whole, placed/places more value on money, competition, dishonesty and being out of integrity, vs. cooperation, honesty, human dignity and compassion. I choose to go against the system and made my own rules, rather than “sell myself out” or “play the game”.

All my attempts to heal on the rational, intellectual and cognitive level, did not work. At times my pain was so great and I felt profoundly alone, this magnified my separation and disconnection from God.

My emotional pain resided on the spiritual, energetic, and soul level, and that is where my pain had to be healed. Through many long arduous processes throughout most of my life I found my way back to myself. I reclaimed my soul-purpose and my soul-mission on Earth. I came to fully understand that “ I am Who I am.”

As a pioneering Adult Indigo, I entered the earth toward the end of WWII when the first Indigo’s started coming to Earth. There were only a small percentage of us at that time. We came here to lay the energetic groundwork, to help take humanity to a higher level of consciousness, as well as, pave the way and make it safe for the future generations of Indigos.

The next influx of Indigos came in the late 70’s and have entered in larger numbers there after. To date they have been called Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, and Star Children. Since the 70’s these special beings have been labeled, ADD, ADHD and/or Bi-Polar and were given medication to suppress their behaviors. As they grew up, many turned to drugs and alcohol to numb and dull the immense pain they felt. They had no choice but to cut themselves off from their “True Essence”, and purpose. Their sadness is overwhelming as many fall into darkness and fear. They shrink and disappear within themselves, and it’s not that uncommon for them to attempt suicide.

I so resonate with many of the characteristics and the emotional pain of these special beings. I like many others have being physically and emotionally abused, I speak of this in my book, “Memoirs of a Mystic”.

Inherent within each of us is a deep knowing of who we truly are and what we are here to experience and contribute. However, we focus more on what our mind tells us is true, rather then listening to our inner knowing, from our heart and soul.

These special Beings are here to wake us up, to take us into our greater reality. To take us to a place of peace love, joy, and so much more. They are calling to us to awaken out of the dream, to awaken to who we truly are.

Nameste~ Charlene