Friday, May 28, 2010

To all my Aries Friends

I am Aries: I am independent. I am strong. I am significant. I matter. I can do it. I can make it happen. I can get it started. I can because I am.

For all of us Aries this is a time for discovering or re-discovering and connecting or re-connecting with the self and its raw, passionate, instinctive drives to be the main motivator in formulating goals and getting them accomplished.

Revolutionary Uranus transits our pioneering sign of Aries from 2010 to 2018. Uranus is the “awakener”, the mover and shaker of the zodiac. His goal is change and improvement at any cost, even at the cost of chaos or a revolution. Uranus represents humanitarianism, unconventionality, unpredictability, indifference, freedom, technological advancements, and loyalty to its cause. Uranus' energy is radical, disruptive, rebellious and innovative.

As an Aries we are the trailblazer of the zodiac. Our energy can be bold, individualistic, independent, enterprising, impulsive, pushy, abrasive, and bossy. It's an impatient energy that needs to constantly be in a dynamic state -- gotta be moving, gotta be doing, gotta be making things happen. Aries represents the self, the ego, our volition, our potential.

Uranus in Aries is the period for asserting ourselves. It is a time for breaking away from dependence and finding our own strength for self-reliance and self-motivation. Remember that Uranus governs the unexpected so, we must be flexible enough to expect the unexpected -- find opportunities in the least likely places or connections; formulate unique solutions to common or existing problems; tweak an old method and make it more effective; break away from boundaries and think outside the box.

The next few years can be exciting and challenging, resulting in radical changes that we have longed for, whether consciously or subconsciously. But it is important that we are ready for it. Readiness is knowing what we want to work towards, but it is also being open to where the journey leads us on our way to our destination, without losing focus. Should we lose sight of our true intentions, lets be open enough to become aware of it so we can steer ourself back into the path we should be on. If we are not ready, it will be easy to get caught by the sheer dynamic force of this cardinal energy. We might find ourselves simply reacting to what's happening to us hastily or trying to catch up -- instead of being able to act with some form of control or within our own timing.

Aries I would love to hear from you.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Future is here! Amazing new revolutionary products for self care

Amega AMWand

BA ID 35392247

Amega Global is a health and wellness company out of Asia that has recently been making waves here in North America because of their Amized Fusion technology. This is a proprietary technology based in quantum physics, which, states that everything in our universe is made of energy that vibrates. Thus, everything has it’s own unique energetic vibratory signature. So Amega Global’s products like the AMwand and the AMpendant resonate with Zero Point Energy or Source energy and that helps us reach our natural health-state.

Basically, everything in the universe is energy and always moving. Also, energy is spontaneously created from a zero point field. The Buddhists call it “emptiness” or “space” or “mind”. It is the source of everything and science calls it “potentiality” or “information” because it is from this field that all things rise – such as thoughts, your bio field and even your body! And Amega Global knows this.

Your body is energy just as all things are. Therefore, it has an energy field, also called bio energy, that is affected greatly by your thoughts and your environment – that’s everything you think and do, everything you are subject to: work, stress, food, pollution, the sofa and TV, whatever.

If your energy field is interrupted (by things of an unhealthy nature: negative thoughts, junk food, power-lines, chronic stress, etc…) you will begin to form diseases which cause you pain. To correct the illness, one may correct the energy field by raising its frequency to source, i.e. where it came from and thus, make the illness and pain go away.


Amega Global Uses Quantum Physics and have figured out a way using cutting edge science and zero point energy, to manipulate energy to make it vibrate at a higher frequency. It raises your vibration. To quote Amega Global itself, the products “source the life force energy from the environment to promote general wellness.” This has been tested and proven using scalar technology.

So it literally makes your cells in your body vibrate at a higher frequency, thus “reminding your cells where they came from”. It has huge potential and massive health implications on the positive side.

“Scalar” Machine – Scientifically Measuring The AMized Fusion Technology.The AMwand (manufactured by Amega Global) is a device infused with AMized Fusion Technology, a proprietary name referring to the harnessing of zero point field energy. The Vibra Scan 1100 “scalar” (scalar is a general term for this type of instrument, based on the principles of scalar energy and scalar waves), was used to test the effects of the AMwand.

The “scalar” measures the vibration rate of the energy contained in each sample in megahertz per second (MHz). Anything measuring lower than 200 MHz is considered to be low in vitality (i.e., unhealthy). Anything measuring higher than 200 MHz is considered to be high in vital force, or consciousness, able to easily support life and well-being.

To give you an idea of the type of frequency Amega’s AmWand and Pendant have, I’ll tell you what was explained to me at the demonstration. The presenter said that a glass of water was measured using a scalar machine and it came up measured as a 2 MHz. That is very low. Then they wanded the water with the Amega Amized Fusion Technology and then measured it again and it came out about 350 MHz.

He said he measured himself before being wanded and he was somewhere just over 200 MHz. Then after getting wanded for a few minutes, he measured out at around 400MHz!! (that’s very high!) They measured the Amega Global Wand itself and it read 1250 MHz. You can only guess what having the pendant on you at all times would do for your overall health and mood.

One of the big draws to this technology is how it can get rid of pain. The pain relief people got at the demo I saw was enough to make me sign up right away and get this for myself. But I noticed something vital here and that is, not only does it get rid of the pain, it makes you feel good inside.

Amega’s feel good product line that is available, in addition to the wand, is the Amega Global Jewelry line: the Amega Global Bracelet for men and women and the the Amega AMPendant as well as others. The magnetic bracelets are a bit different to the Amized Fusion wand and pendants but they increase blood circulation with the use of far infrared and magnetic therapy.

The Amega AMWand itself shoots Zero Point Energy out the tip and the Amega Pendant radiates this energy like a sphere. It was explained to me like this: The AM Wand is like a flashlight and the Pendant is like a light bulb. Imagine being in the glow of light energy 24/7. That’s what having a pendant does – it raises your vibration all hours of the day making you healthier and more vibrant.

The zero point energy wand is good for circling around areas of pain and disease and the pendant is good for wearing all the time to fill in the holes in your energy and protect you from EM radiation or electro-magnetic radiation (we get this a lot from electronics like computers and cell phones and it is VERY harmful). It reminds your body that it came from source and this tends to clear things up. Pains go away, stiffness loosens up, etc… the potential is infinite. Imagine no more pain.

The Am Wand exclusively from Amega Global, is the flagship product in the Amized Fusion Technology range of energy products. The Wand is a unique holistic tool that reminds your body that it can heal itself!

The AM Wand emits a stream of zero point energy or universal life force energy which acts like a key to bring your body into a state of homeostasis or balance. Many enthusiastic wand users around the world report experiencing increased strength and greater flexibility, but more significantly, pain reduction and elimination of pain.

The AMWand is about the size of a pen so it can be used by just about everyone. The wand is filled with a special combination of granulated minerals processed using proprietary AMized Fusion Technology® to resonate at Zero Point Energy. This helps the body source the universal life force energy which our body needs.

How Is The AMWand Made?

It is a combination of various granulated minerals which are then processed with the company's proprietary technology known as AMized Fusion Technology. This results in the product resonating at Zero Point Energy which encourages our body to source the universal life force energy that it needs.

Benefits and Uses Of The Amega AMWand

  • It facilitates healing
  • It discharges energy blockages in your body
  • It balances and energizes different body imbalances
  • Relief from aches, pains, and other problems
  • Clears distortions in your Bio Energetic field
  • Is used to energize food and drink which increases their potency
  • It energizes our living environment
  • Can also have the same effect on pets and even plants
  • The amwand helps your body to obtain a homeostasis condition
  • It energetically neutralizes the harmful elements in your food and drink
  • It also stimulates various body functions and strengthens your immunity
  • The AMWand even energizes the creams and oils you use which helps nutrient absorption
  • Helps our body to obtain homeostasis condition
  • Help our body's bio energetic field to source Zero Point Energy
  • Relieves us of pain, discomfort and supports healing
  • Energizes the liquid we drink, and food we eat by increasing the potency
  • Neutralizes the harmful elements (energetically) from the liquid we drink, and the food we eat
  • Energizes creams, oils for better absorption of nutrients
  • Facilitates and strengthens the flow of energy in our body
  • Unblocks and strengthens the flow of energy in our body
  • Stimulates bodily functions and strengthens immunity
  • Shoulder Pain * Fibromyalgia Pain
  • Migraines * Headaches
  • Injury Pain * Foot Pain
  • Carpal Tunnel Pain * Shingle Pain
  • Burn Pain * Back Pain
  • Muscle Pain * Knee Pain
  • Arthritis * Tendinitis
  • Pain from Accidents * Bruises
  • Nasal Pain * To energize the environment in which we live ,and much more

How to Use:

* Point the AMWand and rotate clockwise 3,9,18 times

* For more effectiveness, point as close as possible,

* You can also stir liquids with AMwand (with proper hygiene)

* Use the AMWand on face to rejuvenate the skin

* Use the Amwand to Energize your food and water

If you want to order this product or learn more about it go to my web site below

BA ID 35392247

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Powerful major planetary T-square purging the old

In astrology when 3 planets square each other, they form a triangle called a T-square. if you have planets at the early degrees of these cardinal signs: ( 0-3 degrees Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, Aries), it asks that you purge your old ways of doing things. It wants you to build new structures in your lives, based on higher spiritual truths. The t square is bringing you more into alignment with your authentic selves. This is an intensified process of soul evolution. It certainly has been rough for feels like we are being torn apart and re-structured, from the inside out. Knowing that we are all in this together, that this is a collective rebirth, may perhaps bring some comfort to those suffering through these changes. Understanding and awareness of what this process is about may help ease some of the fear and heaviness that we have all been feeling for a while.

The Key Players in this T-square are Pluto, Saturn and Uranus.

PLUTO entered Capricorn (earth sign) January 26, 2008 to 2024

Pluto is a planet that purges. It brings up all the feelings, emotions, and truths that we would rather ignore and hide from. But through the purging, a clean slate emerges on which to re-write a better life and a better you. It clears away all from past that gets in the way of us living our best life!. Transformation requires a death and a birth. That's Pluto's job, and in early Capricorn of getting real and responsible about purging that which no longer serves It certainly has not been easy because this process requires brutal honesty and truth about things that no longer serve our best interest, and as a result we must let go of something(s). Pluto asks us to let things die that were once a big part of our lives. For many the familiar brings a sense of comfort and stability, whether its attitudes, behaviors, people, beliefs, etc. However, the evolution of our souls (which I think is the purpose of the t-square) requires us to step out of our old familiar comfort zones in order to birth something new, better, and healthier..

SATURN enters Libra ( air sign) October 29, 2009 to 2012

Saturn brings us the courage and the motivation to build newer and better structures in our lives. From the wreckage of the Plutonian purging and demolition process, we must rebuild. Saturn squares Pluto from Libra, so relationships in our lives are certainly a big part of this transformational process, maybe even the core of it. We are either making some serious changes in our relationships or our relationships are changing us in a very big way. In any case, we are building new structures and we have to act with responsibility, a level of awareness and maturity, with others and with ourselves. If we are willing to put hard work into our relationships, and into the areas of life Saturn is touching. Saturn will reward us with things of quality, value and stability. We are all building something for our future, and Saturn wants us to get it right.

URANUS enters Aires (fire sign) May 2010 to 2024

Uranus comes along with Saturn to bring us new, inspirational, and exciting ideas, insights and opportunities that are in alignment with the expression of our higher truths, that we may have never considered. Uranus produces the new ideas and possibilities, and Saturn gives form and structure to these things, to make them real and manifest. These "new" things may come out of the blue, or through sudden flashes of insight. Regardless of the form these things take (Saturn's job), Uranus makes our life more authentic and true. The higher purpose of Uranus is not change for the sake of change, but change that more deeply reflects the authenticity of who we are, and a change within ourselves and the circumstances in our lives that frees our spirits. We cannot continue with our old, outworn ways (Saturn), we must live our truths, based on a higher order that is in alignment with Gods truth.

This cardinal square will require us to develop a certain level of spiritual maturity. Uranus can cause chaos in our lives if we do not take the time to develop the art of listening to our intuition and create a quiet and contemplative space to hear the directives from our higher selves. Saturn in opposition can help to ground these directives into the real world, so that you can manifest them into your life..into reality.

What can you do?

  1. Incorporate spirituality into your life

2. Engage in grounding activities.

  1. Look at this time as a challenge towards betterment and growth...embrace the challenge and flow with the changes.
  2. Learn to have fun and laugh. This is some heavy, intense and serious energy, which needs to be balanced with some optimism and positivity.

Take time to nurture yourself.

  1. Try and bond with others...we all need comfort and love

7. Give yourself the space and time to grieve the things that are falling away and leaving your life. Also, take the time to celebrate the new structures you are building for yourself, from a place of hope trust, and faith.

  1. BREATHE...............

As an Astrologer I can help you understand how these planets are affecting your life.


   URANUS enters Aries - 2010-2018

Uranus enters Aries May 27th then retrogrades on July 5th back into Pisces. On March 12th 2011 it will be in Aries for eight years. This transition into Aries a fire sign, is bigger than the usual 7-year movement from sign to sign. Since Pisces is the last sign in the natural zodiac, and Aries is the first, we are looking at a major shift, the ending and beginning of an 84-year cycle. Uranus has not been at this beginning point in the zodiac since 1928. The whole period from 1928 to 2010 has been one long cycle of creative innovation which is now giving birth to a whole new cycle.

Under the influence of Uranus in Aries, we will enhance our identity as separate individuals while simultaneously gaining the sense that we are an integral part of a larger group of humanity. Uranus fosters collective exchange over personal, intimate relationships. We will question decisions from the past and take risks to create what we think we really want and need. We may feel out of control at times, but also will realize we didn’t need the control we previously thought we did.

Ultimately, Uranus in Aries will bring us enormous insight, vision, creativity, awareness, new breakthroughs in science, medicine and mostly anything can happen during this period. Uranus rules energy and electricity among other things, so when in Aries, we are going to use other sources of energy, like hybrid and gasoline will be replaced by alternative energy systems or something we didn’t hear about YET. This planetary trend will lead us to new structures, in politics, monetary organization and POWER.

We may experience changes from spiritual transformation to global evolutional social changes. In Aries, Uranus awakens through pure joy in the life force, courage, impulsiveness, acting as a warrior, and jumping in without thought. In Aries, Uranus awakens through a pronounced and fearless individuality.

Uranus signifies brilliance and takes us to the farthest reaches of creativity. Uranus in Aries takes us to the extremes of creativity through the distinction of separateness; bravery; valor; heroism; physical activity; sleeplessness; adventuring through life; and being willing to face conflict.

Aries, Uranus motivates direct action and initiative.

Uranus in Aries agitates and accelerates our physical activity; the conquering of new lands and spaces; heroes and leaders; the military; surgical equipment and procedures; headaches and sleeplessness. Uranus in Aries may bring detachment from, and a different appreciation of, the experience of being alone. Uranus can also be deviant, disagreeable, distorted, eccentric, perplexing, and extraordinary. It is where we disobey and bring disorder. Uranus rules uprisings, uncertainty, the unconventional, the uninvited, the unprecedented, and the untimely. Uranus alarms, amazes, and astonishes by our courage. Uranus inspires by bringing the future into the present.

The keyword for Uranus is "deviate". This can sometimes mean drastic change from one thing to another. In another way, it can mean originality and invention.

Uranus is called the Planet Of Revolution, and its purpose is to bring about freedom, independence and remove restraints. Uranus can awaken us from our mental slumbers and liberate us.

Ways to work with Uranus in Aries
• Express yourself
• Do things you’ve been wanting and waiting to do
• Do anything new
• Start a new business
• Meet new people
• Join new groups
• Travel
• Create new rituals
• Write in a journal
• Talk with old friends
• Eat new foods
• Change your look
• Experiment with electronic gadgets
• Meditate, pray, say affirmations, breathe deeply
• Give voice to your sense of humor

The following flower essences offer support during your Uranus in Aries transit

Nervousness and Anxiety—Lavender or Mimulus to calm your nerves, White Chestnut to calm your mind, Filaree to let go of worry

Overstimulated by Information—Red Clover to remain clear when perceiving multiple sources and forms of stimulus, Cosmos to put multiple thoughts into perspective, Rabbitbrush to help sort out multiple details

Shock—Rescue Remedy or Star of Bethlehem to harmonize your body after shock or trauma

Sudden Change in Life Direction—Aspen to heal fear of the unknown, Indian Pink to maintain calm when under pressure, Morning Glory to energize new habit patterns

Conflict—Agrimony to help mediate inner conflict and bring inner peace to outer conflict, Calendula to facilitate communications in conflictual situations, Sweet Pea to bring harmony to conflict-ridden situations

Feeling Emotionally Overwhelmed—Canyon Dudleya to put feelings into perspective, Dill to calm senses when over-stimulated, Fuchsia to release repressed emotions, Elm to calm anxiety about disappointing others

Need to Individuate or Express Personal Identity—Goldenrod to balance between personal expressions of identity and the needs of a group, Mullein to help you be true to yourself, Aloe Vera to regain your center after periods of intense activity, Blackberry to express your ideas in the world

Re-experiencing of Adolescent Issues—Chamomile for erratic emotions, Self-Heal to become self-sufficient, Violet to express yourself in a positive way, Gentian to overcome discouragement in challenging situations

Too Much Exposure to Electronics and to Strengthen Aura and Electromagnetic Shield—Pink Yarrow to strengthen your aura, Golden Yarrow to protect yourself when feeling overly sensitive

Channeling Uranian Energy into Creative Expression—Snapdragon to convert frustration or aggression into creative power, Iris to bring spiritual inspiration into physical manifestation, Hound’s Tongue to integrate the right and left hemispheres of your brain.

Contact me for your Astrological Consultation if you wish to understand how Uranus in Aries will affect your life.