Thursday, May 26, 2011

 What Was Once Real

Reality comes to us in many layers, we may limit our exposure to other realities, or expand and be open to the experience of these other realities. To start, each of us has our own unique experiences that happen in our minds which we define as our map of reality, these include family dynamics, family systems, roles and gender, religion, nationality, politics, resources, money, education, medicine, technology, etc.
Next, we have a map of reality we call USA, which include some or all of our map, and hold elements which we may experience and perceive as different. How expansive this map is for us and how much we wish to explore is personal. Conflict may arise in discovering differences between ourselves and others. These fears or confusions illicit and bring forth judgement, stress, and worry, and in turn the uncomfort in these differences cause us want to make others “wrong”. Our distorted perception of reality is evident in the world today.
Following is the Universe, here we find more contrast of reality through other cultures, religions, ancient teachings, etc. Some of which may be part of our reality, others not. Albert Einstein, 1954 said, “A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty… The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. … We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”
Then, we look to science and new thinkers to define the bigger picture for us, especially when our personal map does not answer the following questions: Who are we? Where did we come from? What is our purpose? Where do we go from here?  There are many branches of science that attempt to answer these questions, such as, Theory of Everything, String Theory (11 dimensions), Quantum Physics, Holographic Universe, and Parallel Universes. On top of this, Science tells us that all realities that appear as real, are a “trick”, and nothing more than an illusion. Some people postulate that all that we call reality is only taking place in the Mind Of God/ Source/ Infinite Intelligence.
Another perspective on “reality” came for me from a one year contemporary walk-about I did in Australia where I spent time with several Aboriginal tribes. They speak of the “Dreaming", the time of creation which is beyond what they experience as reality. "The Dreaming" laid down the patterns of life for the Aboriginal people and their stories cover many themes and topics of this complex network of knowledge and faith, and pervades and informs all spiritual and physical aspects of an indigenous Australian's life. They believe that every person essentially exists eternally in the “Dreaming”. This eternal part existed before the life of the individual begins, and continues to exist when the life of the individual ends.
Ekhart Tolle in his book, New Earth, says “to awaken within the dream is our purpose now. When we are awake within the dream, the ego-created earth-drama comes to an end and a more benign and wondrous dream arises”. 
The “Course in Miracles”, which has been one of the most widely read metaphysical books over the last 30 years, is based on the premise that this life is an illusion of a soul who has become disconnected from their Source. When you become disconnected, or lost in this dream, you see a world that is frightening and fearful. When you feel connected to Source, you see a world that is beautiful, safe and friendly. Every human being carries within them the divine spark of a sleeping god, and through understanding, compassion and forgiveness, this spark can awaken. 
Gregg Braden speaks of the Ancient Lost Texts which teach us that there is only “One” of us here, we are unity by nature, our consciousness is holographic in nature ( a pattern that is whole and complete unto itself, and, part of an even greater pattern, which, is part of an even greater pattern). We are many expressions individualized of a Unity Consciousness. Any change in the pattern of the hologram you or I make, that one tiny change is mirrored throughout the hologram, this is called Collective Resonance. Every time one person chooses a new way, a new path, a new template, that person becomes a living bridge for all others to follow.

It has been determined through ancient teachings and science that each of us resonate to a certain frequency, call this vibration, or energy, and that the earth also has her frequency, which we can detected through ley lines. Some may doubt that we have such a thing as frequency and might like to know that ...In 1992, Bruce Taino of Taino Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Taino has determined that the average frequency of a healthy human body during the day time is 62 to 68 Hz. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms appear; at 55 Hz, diseases like Candida take hold; at 52 Hz, Epstein Bar and at 42 Hz, Cancer. Taino's machine was certified as 100 percent accurate and is currently being used in the agricultural field today. 
When I look out at the universe I see much change in all systems, human or other wise. What was once real to me and many others has shifted. The very systems that we could once trust are no longer functioning in a way that appears to support life. In the recorded past, systems of each age broken down to make room for the new. Example, as we moved out of the age of Aries, Moses freed those enslaved by the Ruling Elite. This shifted the Arian reality and as a collective, conscious shifted with it. This ushered in the age of Pisces which we are in today. Many across the Globe are feeing a shift, and at the same time experiencing their frequencies, bodies, emotions and mind changing to accommodate this shift in reality. 
I believe that as a Collective Consciousness in this participatory universe we are on the threshold of a new world, we are coming out of an old paradigm of polarity of hate, judgement, and war. This shift that we are all experiencing is telling us that it is time to choose peace, forgiveness, compassion and love. We must see ourselves as part of the whole world rather than separate from it. All people on earth are playing out their agreed upon role as we come closer to the new age of Aquarius and a new “Real”.

Sacrificial Lamb

She came to her appointment early that day, distraught and overwhelmed by the flood of emotions she was feeling. The day before her appointment she had a conversation with a friend who reported that before his open heart surgery he had to bath himself in a disinfectant soap so as to avoid any bacterial exposure during the surgery. He said that he felt that he was preparing himself to be sacrificed.
It was those words that triggered a flood gate of memories. All the coping skills she had used to repress those years went a way in an instant. She was raw, exposed and vulnerable as she began to report her memories.
At the age of two she was designated by her family to be the “Sacrificial Lamb”.  Her mother unhappy in the marriage took on a lover and was gone three nights a week. This left my client alone with her father. The molesting started at age two and continued until she was seven. Then it stopped abruptly, her father then became cold, detached and unemotional toward her.  As a child, she thought she was to blame for the abuse. She felt that the abuse was punishment for something she did wrong. How could she think other wise, he was supposed to be her protector, he was god in her eyes. No matter how wrong the molesting was, how she hated it, what was worse with his detachment.
As she grew older and as a result of the abuse and detachment, she felt that she had to put the needs of others above her own by being protective of others, and becoming over-responsible. She quickly learned that in sacrificing herself, by becoming the “strong” responsible one, playing the role of the mother and caretaker she would receive kudos. Although this was not the love and protection she had hoped for, it was better than nothing. Someone had to take care of and raise her three younger sisters, her mother was rarely available and her father was emotionally absent. Once her sisters were old enough she left home at the age of 21 and never looked back until that one day. 
She felt the powerlessness and anger of her childhood, anger at herself for not being able to stop the abuse, anger and resentment toward her father and angry she did not have anyone to protect her. As a survivor of child abuse and coming from a dysfunctional family, she spent her whole life waiting for love and acceptance she never got as a child. The kind of love she needed wasn’t going to come from her family.
Weeks later as she continued to process her memories she said that her grief had shifted and was more about how she had lived her life because of the messages that she told herself about those early years. She was angry because all the years following the molesting she continued to be a sacrifice in all her relationships personal and professional. 
She learned her values early in life. These values extended into her adult life and created the ‘compass’ which she used to navigate through the various trials and tribulations life had to offer. Her self-esteem reflected her overall evaluation and appraisal of her own worth. Because her trust was betrayed, it was difficult for her to trust in herself. She had problems asserting herself, and it was not safe to be competitive, to shine, or stand out.
Self-esteem is a child's passport to a lifetime of mental, emotional and social happiness. It's the foundation of a child's well-being and the key to success as an adult. Self-image is how we perceive ourselves. When she looks inside herself and is comfortable with the person she sees, makes all the difference in the world.  Self-esteem comes when we see the  self as being someone who can make things happen and who is worthy of love. Parents are the main source of a child's sense of self-worth.
In an attempt to feel valued  and worthy she went to collage and received several degrees. Still little change happened in the way people responded to her. She was a good loyal employee, hard working, reliable, and yet her net worth never reflected this. It seemed strange to her that her unworthiness issues would spill over into all aspects of her life.
Most of her life my client felt an underlying guilt and shame that persisted into her adult life and she did not know why. The guilt and shame were part of the reason she felt unworthy and not valued. She never felt good enough, to compensate for this she spent her life trying to over come this by giving more of herself. Often times carrying the load of two people.

Over the months of working together she began to make sense of her life. She understood as a spiritual person that she had created all the dynamics of her life and experiences for a reason. She was not yet clear what these reasons were, but she knew she had to make peace with her life. It was the “right” time for those repressed memories to unfold. It was the “right” time to see the gifts that came from them. It was also the “right” time to forgive it all.

It's not easy to let old, critical voices and messages that we heard as a child play over and over in our minds, without stopping them. Often we may barely recognize that they are there, or we don't really listen to them, we've heard them so often -- but they continue to impact how we feel and think about ourselves.
Our values may change a bit during life but I believe the core values you learn as a child stay with you for the rest of your life.

The way back to her “true” self was by connecting to that little child inside, that child who deserves all of her love and acceptance.
It can be hard to give it to yourself at first -- after all, if you didn't receive love as a child, or if some of that love was taken away from you by abuse, self-hate may have built up inside you. I knew she had the courage and strength to love herself, if she survived this long. After all she does deserve it!

I encouraged her to start noticing the next time she heard the voice inside her head criticizing her. To become aware of what is being said to her, and try to talk to it. Ask it why it feels it needs to say those things. Is that part of you trying to protect you, in some child-like logic? Or perhaps that part of you felt it had to take on the messages you heard as a child. Remind that part of you that you no longer need to do that to survive. You are free to make up your own mind about yourself. 
In time she saw how those early experiences were the driving impetus to make sense of her life and the unfolding of her life work of service. In our closing session she told me that because of our time together she had come to realize that her life was a path of “Sacred Service”, and those early years taught her compassion and understanding. Who better than she to help others navigate their lives.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Nothing Real Can Be Threatened

It seemed that over night she had lost her ability to navigate her life, to nourish herself or others. She understood that this was a time of great change and transformation and that she, as with many others had outlived that which no longer benefited or was useful in their lives. Most unnerving for her was that her thinking mind began to loose its foothold in what it thought was real.
Today, she sits and reflects upon her life, recalling a decade or so ago, when she responded to her inner promptings, she willingly left her tribe, country, all her possessions, all that she identified as the self, and set out on a Spiritual Quest to a foreign land. Each step of her journey she could feel herself letting go of another layer of what was not her, in order to reveal more of her true spiritual self. 
This time, this spiritual awakening was different, this time the unknown seemed more forbidding. This time her body was speaking to her in ways she had not know before.
Her physical body was changing, at times she experienced unusual tiredness, other times with burst of high energy, then there was the constant ringing in her ears, weight gain, and food sensitivities. The list goes on and on. If that were not enough, her joyful moods were changing, with seemingly unprovoked or excessive episodes of grief, fear, and insecurity, while her body scrambled for something familiar, comfortable and known. On top of it all old charged memories and pictures began to rise to the surface again, as though she had never addressed them before. 
Life felt meaningless, mundane, and empty. She felt guarded and when she sought to move away from this hypersensitive place she was in, this life she desired to escape stuck to her with a magnetic force. It didn’t matter what she tried to avoid, it faced her at every turn. 
Once again it was a time of letting go of control, and of radical trust, it was not easy then and it was not easy now. Fear causes the mind to turn to thoughts of, worry and doubt and the body follows suit with fear, sadness and anger. She had to release her resistance to this change, it had persisted to long.
The only way through this awakening process was to move into a state of acceptance and allowing, instead of resisting and struggling. The whole universe was waking up to itself and she was a part of that process. If she holds on to old ways of being, thinking and doing, she will continue to experience the effects of resistance, struggle, chaos, and suffering. 
She had to trust that her higher self would guide her through this vulnerable inner terrain as she let go of her old self and birthed her true godself. A soothing remembrance rushed over, she remembered reading in the “Course in Miracles” many years earlier, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Conspire or Inspire

Conspire -  illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
Inspire -  affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.
It is of value to me to know about the world I live in, after all I am a seeker after “truth”. The internet certainly is a forum for information. I support being aware of what is being touted. Saying that, it is not always easy to tell fact from fiction. I have come to know that within every belief there is the possibility of a lie. Because I have read and heard much talk of various conspiracy theories, I felt compelled to explore and report a few. There are lots  of folks on the internet who go into greater detail with this regard.
Since 9/11 fear is abounding in expectation of another terrorists attack or worse. The fear of illness or death caused by pharmaceuticals, hormone injected beef, and contaminated food and water. Then there is the taking over the Movie Industry, the Record Companies and Fine Arts, and TV "entertainment”.  Hard to find much these days in entertainment that is other than crime, violence, war and destruction. These continuos air waves that instill fear, a sense of powerlessness, hopelessness, feeding our minds with negative data, and lack and limitation. Then there's the influence that modern music has on our children that promotes darkness, which is not uplifting nor does it foster love, light and compassion as its end product.
Sunday April 10, 2011, the History Channel, aired a 2009 documentary, “Thats Impossible, Weather Warfare” which addressed and confirmed the following. Chemtrails left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by government officials.  High Altitude Research Project, H.A.R.P. created to cause tsunamis, earth quakes, and has the ability to change weather patterns. 
It does seem to be a a very corrupt world we live in and I can’t help but want to pay closer attention. Why and how has our world become so corrupted? The how as mentioned above. The why, a drive for power, money and control over life and death by those playing God. The who, is reported to be 13 Elite Illuminati blood lines that are said to rule the world. The names listed are those most visible, however they may just be a diversion away from the real power. 
Astor                         Bundy          Collins                      DuPont
Freeman                   Kennedy        Li                              Onasis
Reynolds                Rockefeller   Rothschild            Russell    Van Duyn
Merovingian (European Royal families)  Mormon and the Moriah Leaders
Interconnected bloodlines:   Disney           Krupp       McDonald
Yes, our world is breaking down as we know it. If we meditate on this, we arrive at the conclusion that the times of the end have arrived, that we are in them...this world is changing whether we want it to or not. Universally we are all invited to awaken and transform ourselves and this world.  I trust that in order to awaken and get to the “truth”, all that is not love comes forth for release and healing so that we may truly know who we are. 
So if these conspiracies are true, one thing for sure, the FEAR they elicit paralysis us if we let it. Fear choices are coming at us in all directions, are we victims in all this? Do we have any power over our own lives? Yes! Yes!
To bring about true social change we must first begin by changing ourselves by dissolving the negative elements found within our psyche and create the inner virtues that are necessary to live in harmony with nature and the rest of humanity. We must consciously work towards this goal, even if others choose not to do so. We must take our spiritual power back, we must ask ourselves, "Am I a leader or follower?”
More now than ever we must go within to really know ourselves, to evaluate and witness the inner workings of our heart, to learn the language of our intuition. It is time to reflect upon where we have been, to ask ourselves, “what in the world has more value than you”?  It is time to make heart felt clearer choices as to where we are moving.  Nothing lasting is in the outer world, all that is of value is inside each of us. It is a time to seek that which is inspiring within us and without.
I feel that all of us are at a crossroads as we move closer to 2025, the time of Aquarius. Throughout the world many people have differing views of what this age will bring, for sure Aquarius is an eminently revolutionary sign, and its occult significance is knowledge, ( to know). The constellation of Aquarius is governed by the planet Uranus, which is a revolutionary planet.  Perhaps in this new age we will see a time of synthesis of all authentic religions and systems of self-realization. Perhaps disagreements between science and religion will come to an end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal Energy. Perhaps the Age of Aquarius will bring marvelous breakthroughs in many scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, medicine, aviation, etc. Perhaps it will be a time of Brotherly / Sisterly love, where we honor individual and unique expression of the Divine.