Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gonna Let My Little Light Shine

I believe that we should always reach for life, and that which is life giving no matter what. In saying that, I also know there is a time to let go of life. These last few weeks have been a blessing and painful. Helen my mother-in-law passed over February 7, 2011. She lived a full 90 years and touched many lives as she journeyed through her life. For an outsider it might have looked like an ordinary life, but up close there were many extraordinary moments, some of them beautiful and others deeply soul wrenching. Through it all she choose to reach for life here on this plane, and then, when it was time to leave she reached for life on the other side into the calling of her new journey. Her passing was graceful and peaceful as she gently surrendered. 
To be in the dying process with another is an amazing experience, one that I feel honored to participate in. As I watched Helen letting go I recognized that it was also my time to let go, to release an old pattern I had been in-prisoned by for most of my life. 
So much about ones own life is revealed when we loose someone close to us. Somehow we are invited to look deeper into the mystery of our own life, and what we could not see before, is now revealed with such sharp clarity. Through the dying process with Helen I was able to see with 20/20 vision aspects of myself that were hidden. I was able to know with certainty that one piece of my life that had been out of reach for me for so long had now been reveled and healed.
For those of you who have read my book “Memoirs of a Mystic” know about the wounds and betrayal I experienced at a very young age with my father and my mother. Through this early conditioning I learned to shut down my joie-de-vivre and with it my creativity.  Year after year it was reinforced, that who I truly was had to be suppressed, it was not safe to shine. My internal message, “I am afraid to shine, was in conflict with, I don't feel complete unless I shine.” 
Over the years I did find many outlets for my joy and creativity but I always stayed under the radar. I had carried with me these wounds throughout my life  feeling that the pain, sadness, and emptiness would never leave me, so, I set out to try to heal the wounds of others instead.
The challenge was that my soul was always restless, calling me, prodding me to reach for life and that which is life giving, to reach for peace, understanding and forgiveness, not of others, for I recognized early on they played a significant role in my life lessons, it was more about forgiveness of myself.  The one thing I most wanted  in my life was to share with the world my many magical experiences, my intuitive knowing, and who I truly am.  It is fascinating to me as one light goes out, Helen’s, another turns on and shines.  February 7th was the day of Helen’s death and the day of my re-birth.
For days I have been hearing in my head this sweet little song I learned as a child. I sing this in Honor of Helen. I love you and I will miss you.
This little light of mine - I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I’m gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
All Around My Neighborhood - I’m gonna let it shine
All Around the world - I’m gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
I won’t let no one put it out – I’m gonna let it shine
I won’t let nothing keep it out  - I’m gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
Every day, in every way,
I’m gonna let my little light shine.

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