Saturday, May 15, 2010

Powerful major planetary T-square purging the old

In astrology when 3 planets square each other, they form a triangle called a T-square. if you have planets at the early degrees of these cardinal signs: ( 0-3 degrees Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, Aries), it asks that you purge your old ways of doing things. It wants you to build new structures in your lives, based on higher spiritual truths. The t square is bringing you more into alignment with your authentic selves. This is an intensified process of soul evolution. It certainly has been rough for feels like we are being torn apart and re-structured, from the inside out. Knowing that we are all in this together, that this is a collective rebirth, may perhaps bring some comfort to those suffering through these changes. Understanding and awareness of what this process is about may help ease some of the fear and heaviness that we have all been feeling for a while.

The Key Players in this T-square are Pluto, Saturn and Uranus.

PLUTO entered Capricorn (earth sign) January 26, 2008 to 2024

Pluto is a planet that purges. It brings up all the feelings, emotions, and truths that we would rather ignore and hide from. But through the purging, a clean slate emerges on which to re-write a better life and a better you. It clears away all from past that gets in the way of us living our best life!. Transformation requires a death and a birth. That's Pluto's job, and in early Capricorn of getting real and responsible about purging that which no longer serves It certainly has not been easy because this process requires brutal honesty and truth about things that no longer serve our best interest, and as a result we must let go of something(s). Pluto asks us to let things die that were once a big part of our lives. For many the familiar brings a sense of comfort and stability, whether its attitudes, behaviors, people, beliefs, etc. However, the evolution of our souls (which I think is the purpose of the t-square) requires us to step out of our old familiar comfort zones in order to birth something new, better, and healthier..

SATURN enters Libra ( air sign) October 29, 2009 to 2012

Saturn brings us the courage and the motivation to build newer and better structures in our lives. From the wreckage of the Plutonian purging and demolition process, we must rebuild. Saturn squares Pluto from Libra, so relationships in our lives are certainly a big part of this transformational process, maybe even the core of it. We are either making some serious changes in our relationships or our relationships are changing us in a very big way. In any case, we are building new structures and we have to act with responsibility, a level of awareness and maturity, with others and with ourselves. If we are willing to put hard work into our relationships, and into the areas of life Saturn is touching. Saturn will reward us with things of quality, value and stability. We are all building something for our future, and Saturn wants us to get it right.

URANUS enters Aires (fire sign) May 2010 to 2024

Uranus comes along with Saturn to bring us new, inspirational, and exciting ideas, insights and opportunities that are in alignment with the expression of our higher truths, that we may have never considered. Uranus produces the new ideas and possibilities, and Saturn gives form and structure to these things, to make them real and manifest. These "new" things may come out of the blue, or through sudden flashes of insight. Regardless of the form these things take (Saturn's job), Uranus makes our life more authentic and true. The higher purpose of Uranus is not change for the sake of change, but change that more deeply reflects the authenticity of who we are, and a change within ourselves and the circumstances in our lives that frees our spirits. We cannot continue with our old, outworn ways (Saturn), we must live our truths, based on a higher order that is in alignment with Gods truth.

This cardinal square will require us to develop a certain level of spiritual maturity. Uranus can cause chaos in our lives if we do not take the time to develop the art of listening to our intuition and create a quiet and contemplative space to hear the directives from our higher selves. Saturn in opposition can help to ground these directives into the real world, so that you can manifest them into your life..into reality.

What can you do?

  1. Incorporate spirituality into your life

2. Engage in grounding activities.

  1. Look at this time as a challenge towards betterment and growth...embrace the challenge and flow with the changes.
  2. Learn to have fun and laugh. This is some heavy, intense and serious energy, which needs to be balanced with some optimism and positivity.

Take time to nurture yourself.

  1. Try and bond with others...we all need comfort and love

7. Give yourself the space and time to grieve the things that are falling away and leaving your life. Also, take the time to celebrate the new structures you are building for yourself, from a place of hope trust, and faith.

  1. BREATHE...............

As an Astrologer I can help you understand how these planets are affecting your life.


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