Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Do You Value Yourself?

As an Intuitive Life Consultant I see many clients, and lately perhaps triggered by the economic situation, clients report feeling devalued and question their worth. For sure these are trying, uncertain times, and I know from professional and personal experience that life situations are compounded by our past. Often times we are not aware of conscious or unconscious messages of childhood that are in our psyches that project and radiate limiting and negative beliefs about ourselves.

I invite my clients to turn inward way from focus on how the rest of the world perceives them, or what is happening in the world, but to begin practicing self awareness. As they practice observing themselves with a greater level of self-honesty, they become more aware of what their fears and judgments are that cause them to panic and that hold them back from their desired goal, and to feel safe in this world.

We all have insecurities, but we do not have to struggle with them. By becoming fully aware of them, we can learn to deal with them differently and without struggle.

If we measure our value by those we perceive above us and then feel bad about ourselves then we need to question our level of self value. If we think our level of self-value is high and feel superior to others, what have we gained. True self-value, is honoring the uniqueness in ourselves and others.

Questions to ponder:

How do you really perceive yourself? What are the actual thoughts you think about yourself, especially around others? How do you label yourself?

Do you find it easier to fill the roles your family and friends expect of you, rather than becoming who you really want to be.

What fears do you have when you interact with other people? Do you want them to see you in a certain way?

Are you looking for acceptance, recognition, love, value, attention, or security?

Does your belief about yourself get you more of what you want, need and deserve?

Or is it leading you toward or keeping you in circumstances that you don't want?

Do you take time to listen to your inner voice and really get to know yourself?

Identifying these factors along with the effects that they have had on your life will allow you to deal with them in the here and now. By doing this you will be able to take your power back, and begin to awaken to who you truly are.

Nameste~ Charlene Ryan



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